Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bye bum!

Saying goodbye:

Sophie has gone through quite the progression for saying good bye. It started with a wave, than progressed to "buh" and a wave. Next, it was "bye", I was proud of that. Then she started saying "bye dye" and waving. We all laughed, thought it was hilarious. Well, yesterday, when everyone was leaving from the bbq we had, Sophie started waving at everyone saying "bye bum, bye bum"...oh my gosh, we were dying. I have NO idea why it progressed to that. Today at church when we were leaving, "bye bum" was yelled at the top of Sophie's little lungs...yikes, got to work on that one:)


Dee Ann said...

That is too cute. At least your DH hasn't taught Sophie to say Butt. Yeah Allison says that.

Unknown said...

I saw on Katt's blog that you're reading that book. I hope you're liking it. It totally opened my eyes and made me feel soooo understood!