Monday, November 1, 2010

Day #1 of Thankfulness!

In a season of craziness and a lot of discouragement, I am going to take this month to focus my thoughts truly upward and consider the many, many blessings that are in my life, that too often get overshadowed by the "tough stuff". Everyday I am going to post an "I am thankful for" statement on here give a little note about it. So here it goes!

#1 I am thankful for....the wonderful roast dinner that my awesome hubby prepared for us today!

It was so awesome today to come from a crazy day at work to a house that smelled so wonderful! Jeremy had prepared this wonderful roast dinner and being that Mondays he gets home from work at 1, he often makes dinner those nights. I am so glad that Jeremy is the kind of guy who is good in the kitchen and very willing to try anything! Today, knowing that I didn't have to worry about, "What will I make tonight?", was such a blessing. I love my husband!

1 comment:

Kylie and crew. said...

I LOVE your thankfulness idea! I/we have been feeling really discouraged lately and I'm trying to maintain perspective....but it can be so hard. I'm excited to see what you are thankful for each day!