Saturday, September 20, 2008

I need a hishnue please

Sophie just cracks me up. This morning, this is what I wake up to:

Sophie: Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy
(I enter her room)
Sophie: Oh hi Mommy! I sick. I have boogies.
Me: oh no!
Sophie: I need the boogie thing (boogie sucker we used on her when she was a baby) and a hishnue.
Me: What is a hishnue?
Sophie: A HISHNUE!
Me: What is that?
Sophie: You know, a hishnue (and then she puts her fingers around her nose and pretends to blow).
Me: OH, you need a TISSUE!
Sophie: Yes, A Hishnue

LOL. So now that's what we call tissues around our house...Hishnues!


Mrs. Bigler said...

oh lori,
this is classic. i hope you wrote it in her baby book. i love to hear what kids come up with as they are learning language. they have such an ingenious way of thinking about the world. remind me to tell you the "Cheez-It" story sometime.

ya ya's mom said...

cute!!! see ya tomorrow at the race...there's only supposed to be like 50,000 people there :)

Mama Mia said...

LOL, B has the SAME cold...

mommyto3kiddos said...

Crack me up! I love hishnue! LOL It's so fuuny when they are learning new words and some of their pronunciations of the words. :)