Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dizzy Days...

I had a pretty bad scare the other night. I woke up at 2am and felt a throbbing on my right side of my head. I tried to lay down/walk around and it was still there. I started to feel really "weird". I remember waking Jeremy up and saying "Jeremy, my head feels funny" and right after that things got soooo much worse. My head starting spinning!!! It felt like I had just played "Izzy dizzy" and the spinning wouldn't stop. Jeremy helped me make it to the bathroom where I started throwing up, this lasted a few hours.

During this whole episode, the hardest thing to do was not to let the fear come in. Whenever there are things to do with health issues to someone close to me, or myself, I often panic and think of worse case scenario. I know a lot of this stems from me losing my mom at such a young age, and realizing that life can change in an instant. I hate how right away my mind goes to "tumor/aneurysm/stroke" and "what's going to happen to my kids because of this?".

At 4am, as this is still continuing full force, after Jeremy calls the advice nurse and they say "Bring her into ER!" Jeremy ends up calling the ambulance to come and get me. This was all going on around me and I just felt like it was so surreal. Got to the hospital and they decide to run a gamut of blood tests on me and do a CAT scan...never have had one of those in my life, so freaky.

Needless to say, all the results came back FINE. Dr said it could be an inner ear virus or something and to check in with a doctor in 3-5 days. I am soooo glad it is nothing serious, at the same time, going through that all really makes me realize the importance of life and how fragile it is and how at every moment, I just need to remember that God holds my life in his hands.

I'm so thankful that my dad was in town visiting, and my sister was such a godsend and came over and took care of the kids while I was in bed, literally, all day yesterday. I'm still a bit dizzy now, but enough to function, thank the LORD!


House of Buster said...

Yikes! scary stuff. Since I've become a parent my mind also skims to worst case situation too. Glad to hear you are doing better! take it easy over the next few days.

Aly said...

Glad there's nothing serious wrong. Take it easy for the next few days.

Kylie and crew. said...

Oh my Lori...that sounds horrible! I often go to worse case scenarios right away too. I hate that fear can come in so's a battle I have to pray over and repent of often. I didn't know you lost your mama at such a young age. Anyway, I'm glad that you are better and thanks for writing about it...I'll be praying for you.

Jen said...

Oh my gosh - how terrifying! You know I would have been having the exact same thoughts you were too. I'm so glad things have turned out fine, but jeez! I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that!!

Mrs. Bigler said...

oh lori, how scary for you and your family!!!! i will be keeping you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Glad to read you are okay. What a scare! Be gentle with yourself.

Tracy Cary said...

How scary! I would have freaked out too! I am glad it turned out to be nothing serious. I'll be praying for you to feel better.