Friday, April 27, 2007


We had a really tough night with Sophie last night, it was really scary. I had noticed in the evening that her voice was a bit raspy, and she coughed once or twice, but that's it. Well at around 11pm last night, we heard this barking sound coming from her room, seriously one of the most scariest sounds I've heard. Sophie was gasping for breath and I felt so helpless just holding her. Called the 24 hr nurse line and they said it sounded like croup, so we did the hot air, cold air treatments a couple times during the night. Let's just say, how scary that it was, there was a moment when Jeremy and I were just laughing. After we had her in a steam room for 20 minutes, we were supposed to bundle her up and take her outside so she'd got cold air. So we bundle her up, put her touque on (that's Canadian for knit ski hat), and walked around our neighborhood. It was at 2am! I just started laughing b/c if anyone would have looked out their windows and saw us, they'd probably think we were these crazy people. And meanwhile, as we are walking, Sophie does her lion "raar", but b/c she's so raspy, it came out all funny. I was amazed at how good of spirits she was in despite all this.

So all 3 of us are going on NO sleep. Sophie is down for a nap right now, I am home (it's my teaching day) after going into work at 6am to get things ready for a sub. Jeremy is at work, barely functioning (I think he got less sleep than I did!) Our happy little family:) We did take Sophie to the dr. and they gave us this steroid medication we have to give to her...the side effects? Extreme, extreme hyperness, and very upset stomach, causing least it's the weekend, right?

But in this whole situation, when I was watching Sophie gasp for breath, I just realized how fragile life it. Here I was complaining yesterday about Sophie's horrid naps. Well, you know, I'd take a lifetime of horrid naps, if it means having my Sophie healthy and safe here. She is so precious to me, and it's amazing how my heart is so attached to hers...I've always been SUCH an independent person, but now, I would give and do anything for her. Get better little Fee-fee.


Unknown said...

Oh Lori, I am so sorry. Having a sick child and feeling so helpless is the worst feeling in the world. My prayers are with all of you guys. Get better soon Sophie!

Anonymous said...

Poor Sophie! what did they put her on? Eva is on Pulmicort and Albuterol....i can give you my take on both of them if she's on either one....

Dee Ann said...

Oh Lori! I am so sorry. Poor Sophie! I hope she feels better soon. Isn't it funny how having a sick child can make you just sit and think of how insignificant things are that we make such a big deal about like naps and bedtimes. That's how I was when Allison almost had to go in the hospital with RSV.

Dee Ann said...

Oh Lori! I am so sorry. Poor Sophie! I hope she feels better soon. Isn't it funny how having a sick child can make you just sit and think of how insignificant things are that we make such a big deal about like naps and bedtimes. That's how I was when Allison almost had to go in the hospital with RSV.

mommyto3kiddos said...

Lori...isn't amazing how you can feel so much for one person? I hope Sophie is feeling better and that you were able to get some rest this weekend.